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Simple Pricing

These are the basic packages, but I can adjust to meet virtually any web design needs your company may have. Get in touch today to discuss your project.

Landing Page
A single page with logo, contact info & social links, 1 photo and a paragraph about your business.
Contact & Social Links
Findable online
Boosts Reviews
Easy To Edit
Includes Style Guide
A home page with up to 3 sections containing photos & info about your business, a dedicated contact page, plus 2 additional pages for product/service info.
Home Page With 3 Sections
2 Additional Pages With 3 Sections
Customized Contact Page
Findable online
Boosts Reviews
Easy To Edit
Includes Style Guide
One Pager + Blog
A single page with logo, contact info & social links, 3 sections with photos and info about your business, a blog section and a basic contact form. One style of blog post page included
3 Sections w/Photos
Blog Section
1 Blog Article Template
Customized Contact Form
Findable online
Boosts Reviews
Easy To Edit
Includes Style Guide
Blog Setup
If you already have a site on Webflow & want to start a blog, we can get everything set up so you can sign in and start adding content.
Setting up Webflow CMS for blogs
Integrating the blog into the existing site
Creating article page layouts
Other blog setup & customization
Style Guide Design
A single page that defines the visual style of a website or even a brand. You provide the logos etc, we turn it into a cohesive, beautiful, easy to read Webflow, html, pdf, etc.
Logo in multiple formats
Color palette
Fonts, text sizes
Buttons, forms & more
CMS Database Setup
A properly set up CMS database can accomplish many things beyond blogging. Below are a just few examples of what can be turned into a dynamic, easy to edit database.
Services offered
Restaurant menu
Real estate listings
Recent projects
Other Design/Dev Work
We are happy to discuss any other web design needs your company may have and help you put together a game plan. We work exclusively on the Webflow platform.
Rebuilding outdated sites
Migrating sites to Webflow
Figma to Webflow
Social media integration
Zapier Automations

Can't decide what kind of website services your company needs? Request a consultation and I'll help you choose.